Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Sheriff denies the Allegations but watch the Video Says it was done by the Book Sound Familiar?

By Emerson Drake

Make a call to police for help and see what can happen. If you don't watch this video, you could be next.

Seven officers MEN and women strip this educators wife naked while male deputies gather to watch and leave her naked for seven hours.

Remember it was just a few years ago here in Stanislaus County that a male deputy got a female inmate pregnant while in custody serving her time.

Sheriff Adam Christianson has allowed one of his off-duty detectives to kill a resident on her own doorstep without having an outside agency do ANY investigation.

He also allowed deputies to kill Craig Prescott while "forgetting" if you can believe that, to comply with policy and not film the cell extraction which resulted in Craig's death.It's tough, but for your own sake, and that of your loved ones, watch this video

.Remember what they did to the retired Gallo executive.

Especially remember they got away with it unpunished.