Wednesday, November 2, 2011

To Keep and Bear Arms


The 2nd Amendment to the Constitution says “A well regulated militia, being necessary to a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”

This seems pretty straight forward to me, and I think most people would agree. So why do so many Americans have this fear that there are forces out there that are trying to take their guns away?

My opinion is that it is a scare tactic that is used by some to maintain a base of voters that will always fall in line and vote for the person that is supposed to be protecting our right to keep and bear arms.

The trouble with that thinking is I have never heard of an amendment to change the 2nd amendment. I have never heard one politician make a statement regarding the confiscation of arms from Americans. I have heard some say they would like to see it harder to buy guns and that we should regulate those sales to responsible people and that these people should have some training in the proper use and handling of firearms prior to the purchase of that firearm.

There are also those that do not believe the average person should be able to go out and buy a fully automatic weapon. And there are those that believe that there is certain types of Ammo that ordinary people should not have access to, such as those “Cop Killer” bullets and extended clips.

I really don’t see a whole lot wrong with those regulations. And I see no need for students to be allowed to carry a gun to school.

Right now in this country we have over 200 Million guns (legal) that we know of in the hands of the public.

Knowing this fact please explain to me how you think these guns could be confiscated. Please tell me with some kind of reason how our government could possibly do such and amazing thing as this. Do you really believe that can be done?

And please tell me the name of any politician that has advocated this, because I don’t know who that person is.

So is our 2nd Amendment Rights in jeopardy? I don’t think so and I don’t think that any rational person, when they think about it would believe that they are either.

Charlie Lockett