Wednesday, November 2, 2011

What do the Blue Ribbon Homeless Commission, SCAP, and the Renaissance Community Services have in Common?

BY Emerson Drake

What do the Blue Ribbon Commission on the Homeless (BRCH), SCAP, and the Renaissance Community Services have in common? That's easy two former SCAP directors. Both Darryl Fair and Frank Ploof work for this non-profit. Darryl Fair is the Executive Director and Frank Ploof is the Case Manager for this organization.

One thing that makes this especially interesting is the location of their head quarters which is located at 1417 D Street Modesto. Basically just around the corner from where the BRCH is located is Beardbrook Park where the BRCH wants to relocate the homeless feeding to.

Can you say "more donations " for these people with a lot of self interest?

We've said before the members of the BRCH are agenda driven. This just goes to show they are more interested in the money than they are the homeless.

Council Muratore's scandal ridden tenure, tainted by accepting money from the ( NSP2 )Neighborhood Stabilization and Preservation fund seems to be continuing with his hand picked members of the BRCH.

Isn't it time we scrapped the BRCH and their questionable members and start over with a group less politically concerned with making campaign contributions to their buddies to help them get re-elected and bring in people legitimately concerned about solving the problems of the homeless here in Modesto.

Or maybe what we need is a new slogan. That would solve everything.