By Emerson Drake
The Stanislaus Board of Supervisors is being turned upside down by newcomer Terry Withrow. It's nice to see Jeff 'bought and paid for' Grover's policies thrown out the door.
Withrow said, "As supervisor of that district, I think we need to take a brand-new look and try to get everyone involved."Even the front man for the Salida Plan now believes homes shouldn't be the first priority.
The BoS has consistently refused to allow Salida to develop its tax base despite the businesses that have gone up along Highway 99 to the north of Modesto.
These businesses would have allowed Salida to provide for needs in the community but the BoS basically stole the tax base in order to keep them dependent and there by direct Salida's future.Can anyone doubt their intent when the became nervous that they would be over ruled by a public vote?
We hope Terry Withrow continues the good fight against the greedy out of control home developers and their attorneys, and isn't just playing politics.