Wednesday, October 26, 2011

We need to take our country back

I think we can all agree that there are two major problems facing this nation and the economy, and they are medical cost and our dependence on foreign oil. We must change our priorities from what we are doing today and start concentrating on solar and wind energy. We have the technology to modernize our energy, but still there seems to be feet dragging and a lack of urgency in the actual implementation of changing over and getting away from fossil fuels. We need to write and or call our representatives and demand that they start this process.

When it comes to health care and medical cost, again we have feet dragging. At the present time 72% of the people in the United States want some kind of public option in health care. So why is our Congress not moving ahead with a plan? Could it be that the special interest groups have so much influence over our elected officials that they no longer represent the ones that elected them, the People?

Right now, today, the lobbyists for the health care industry are spending more than $1MILLION per day to block any kind of health reform. That's not counting the Pharmaceuticals.

This is my problem with what we have as a government today. Our Congress people donut even write the bills they introduce, the lobbyist do. We no longer have a representative government, we have a government that is controlled and run by Corporations. According to the definition given in the dictionary, that makes us a Fascist government.

We need to take our country back and allow the people to once again have the power to influence legislation. I think we should demand that every cent paid by a lobbyist be accounted for, who received it and how much, and what did this money buy? One of the things our founding fathers cared a great deal about was to not let big business have too much influence in our government, and look at what we have today, just exactly what they were afraid of. They knew what the outcome would be, they had seen it and rebelled against it with the Boston Tea Party.

Charlie Lockett