Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The City of Patterson Petrulakis

George Petrulakis has a dream...a big dream. How wonderful would it be for this famed Land Use Attorney from Modesto to serve as the one and only member of Patterson's City Council?Imagine that! Why King George could make all land use decisions in Petrulakis, empower his very own "Zoning Czar" to do his clients bidding, and all without any pesky interference from the public or elected officials. And the best part of all.... The "pesky public" has to pay for King George's very own "Zoning Czar"!How is this possible? Easy! Just align with a small health district that doesn't get what they want, when they want, and voila! King George moves into action.His client, Keystone Development of North Carolina, also has a dream... a big dream that begins with wanting to sell a $4 million dollar building in their Industrially Zoned Business Park to an entity that neither Keystone's Development Agreement with the City, nor the City's Zoning Laws allow. Best of all, but not least, the entity, Del Puerto Health District doesn't have $4 million dollars. Not to worry, King George can fix that! The "pesky public peasants" can pay for that too!Keystones' dream does not end there, no; it goes well beyond to the City's General Plan, Planning Commission, City Council, Budget and Employee Relations.A group of Patterson citizens, namely Mary Pat Thompson, a longtime resident with many connections to old Patterson, Luis Molina, former Mayoral Candidate, & Former Planning Commissioner, who no doubt will be instrumental in gaining the Latino vote, and former Councilwomen, Kathy Wright round out the group that brought an initiative to City Hall on Monday. The Initiative titled "City of Patterson Healthcare Act", was financed by King George's client, Keystone Development. And financed it is! The day after the initiative was submitted, the mailboxes around Patterson were filling up with Pro-Healthcare propaganda!The initiative has very little to do with healthcare, indeed it works as a shield for the other 90+ pages of the 100 page document. The real purpose of the initiative you ask? This is where King George begins to realize his dream. The document goes on to amend the living daylights out of the GENERAL PLAN! Adding and removing planning policies, land use designations, and the addition of a Zoning Administrator (Czar that is) and the list goes on. It makes absolutely no sense that during a $1.3 million dollar General Plan revision a private developer and his attorney would completely revise the General Plan, and the Zoning Ordinance to their benefit and delight.Essentially this move is nothing less than a takeover of the planning process from the citizens, and their elected and appointed representatives. Not to mention a cheeky attempt to dictate who should be hired by City Hall, and what their duties are.