Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Christianson received bundled checks from Correct Care Solutions

By Emerson Drake

It's has come to our attention that Adam Christianson's re-election campaign received a single envelope containing at least five bundled checks from Health Care Solution's executives(a vendor who just last year received a contract the Sheriff's Department oversees) shortly after 11/07/09.

Just as important is the fact the Campaign 460 lists these checks as being received on 11/07/07.

But after a follow up investigation it has been learned that the checks were mailed together in one envelope and the cover letter was dated 11/03/09 but didn't get mailed out until 11/07/09.

Bundled checks supposedly from the companies executives from around the country(from Florida, Tennessee, and Kansas)?

We are aware that a Nashville Get-a-way prize was also offered and it is dated for 11/07/09.

Why are the other cash donations dated differently?

Why are checks from executives from around the country being sent from corporate headquarters?

When asked why Correct Care Solutions sent checks to an out of state Sheriff's campaign? The answer we received was , "because we got the contract."One has to wonder when and how these arrangements were made.

Is this in effect campaign money laundering?

Are these executives being reimbursed by the Correct Care Solutions?

It's our understanding a complaint is being sent to the Fair Political Practice Commission(FPPC).