Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Vultures Gather for the Mayor's State of the City Address

By Emerson Drake

It will be the largest gathering of the Clan of Greed this year. From the influential three Petrulakis, Madison, and Zagaris, to the vultures from the Chamber of Commerce, to the Common Wealth Club and everyone who’s anyone as far as the greedy are concerned will be there. S

urprisingly enough they’re going to leave room in the back of the bus (oops I mean venue) for those who aren’t willing to pay $40.00 for lunch but would like to be there to hear what the Mayor has in store for the citizens of Modesto.

From the recent attempt at picking the low hanging fruit of the Beckwith triangle, to legally stealing land along the Kiernan corridor using eminent domain, these people will stop at nothing to pick over the carcass that is Modesto.

We have to thank our lucky stars for the Mayoral election on the horizon, and to a General Assembly seat being vacant with several of our local politicians having ambitions of grandeur.

It’s bad enough that Kristin Olsen, who is the leader of the Building Fees Committee, has been very outspoken saying the fees are too low.

This would seem to be a blatant attempt to bring Steve Madison back into her corner and away from Janice Keating for the race for the 25th Assembly seat.

It appears Modesto will be saddled with lower fees which will place the burden once again squarely on the back of the citizens similar to the situation created in the Village I fiasco by Mike Zagaris.

Of course they will go through the motions so it appears they are doing what is best for Modesto but in the end we the citizens will pay higher rates for sewer and water connections so Zagaris and other developers can build homes.

The carrot of jobs will be extended and the donkey/citizens will continue to plod after it in home of having a full belly for a change.

Well, having a full belly is different from having a belly full of it. Isn’t it?Just one mans opinion