Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Kristin Olsen Ignored Her Constituents

Byb Emerson Drake

Kristin Olsen, the Shopping Cart Princess who also is known as the Duchess of Dumpster Diving Ignored Her Constituents in order to campaign and preen for the cameras.

Those of us who went to last Tuesday's city council meeting witnessed a wanna be Assembly candidate pander to the camera while one neighborhood begged for help.

After listening to her highness tell the viewers how she and Chief Harden were going to see what could be done, one of the residents came to the podium and reminded anyone listening that he and his neighbors had been to see the Chief repeatedly and the Chief ignored them.

Then he told the listeners how he had spent four hours outside Olsen's office waiting to see her while she was apparently dealing with her assembly campaign issues.

Imagine waiting four hours and getting nowhere, and now for the camera she's going to wave her royal magic wand and make the problems with the Methadone clinic, that the city and Olsen have refused to address for more than five years, go away.

Well, she solved her husbands identity theft issues with her dumpster diving ordinance and she corralled up all of the runaway shopping carts so maybe once she gets done campaigning for a job she doesn't have, she''ll get around to the one she does have.

I guess her campaign is having a hard time getting Jeff Jardine to write hit pieces on the other four candidates.