Thursday, October 13, 2011

MID has been Misleading the Public About the Bio-mass Project



The most basic reason to oppose the proposed joint MID/VBE biomass plant is that it will be a huge source of air pollution in the City of Modesto, and Stanislaus County. It will victimize you and your families.

The specific technical problem is as follows:

The MID, in conjunction with a private sector supplier of electricity (VBE) has proposed to construct and operate a large (30 Megawatt), wood burning power plant in the Beard Tract. It would be just south of Yosemite Blvd. and west of Mariposa Rd, totally within the San Joaquin Valley Air Basin. The SJVAB is classified as being in a condition of “extreme” non-attainment for ozone (O3). Ozone is a violent irritant and is responsible for lung disease, eye irritation, sore throats, the destruction of belts and hoses in your cars and trucks, and other severe destructive processes.

A major emission from high temperature combustion is oxides of nitrogen (NOx). NOx is a precursor of O3. The proposed biomass plant will burn fuel at very high temperatures. The MID/VBE proponent claims that they will reduce the emission of NOx to a level that is one-twelfth (1/12) that of any existing power plant. That is, they would have us believe that their power plant will perform 12 times better than other plants that are employing the best currently available control equipment and techniques. That claim is not technically feasible, and hence is not credible.

The proponent knows that their claim is a false claim! VBE’s key document, the Draft Authority to Construct, includes a provision that allows them, after a year of operation, to obtain a new Operating Permit at whatever noncompliant emission level has prevailed during that year. That provision amounts to a pre-approved pardon for a crime that they will knowingly commit; it is a pre-purchased indulgence.

The technique that will be employed to control NOx involves the injection of large amounts of ammonia into the exhaust gases. This will start a chemical reaction that changes the NOx into nitrogen and oxygen. However, the technique requires that substantial excess ammonia be injected. That excess ammonia will be emitted in the exhaust gases, in addition to whatever pollutants escape the chemical reaction. In winter months, this soup of pollution will be carried by the prevailing winds into the city of Modesto.

The First victims in line will be the La Loma neighborhood. While the odor of the tallow plant was obnoxious, it posed little danger to us. But ammonia is a dangerous respiratory irritant, as well as being unpleasant to smell. By understating the emission level, the proponents are acting to evade the requirement to conduct a full Environmental Impact Report (EIR). An EIR would show that the emissions and the location would result in a significant environmental impact, as well as posing a hazard to the health and safety of the people of Modesto.

Please oppose this power plant at the MID board meeting on August 10, 2010, at 9AM. If the MID Board of Directors allows this plant to be built, our only resort would be an expensive and lengthily legal battle.

Dave Thomas, President, Stanislaus Taxpayers Association 577-4373

Eric Reimer, Treasurer, Stanislaus Taxpayers Association 522-4498