Thursday, October 13, 2011

Electric rates Might Triple..Don't Buy the Bee's Bull

Good morning my friends.

Two members of the Stanislaus Taxpayers Association (STA) and some very engaged members of the public met in an ad hoc meeting on Thursday morning. While we discussed several taxpayer’s issues, the MID became the primary subject. A very brief summary of our discussion was that the MID is on a road that will destroy home ownership and paralyze business.

After looking at the facts, this citizen’s group came to the realization that the MID has embarked on a course of action that will increase your cost of electricity by a factor of at least 200%. That means, if your highest monthly summer MID electricity bill is now $250, it will soon be $500. But, there is a possibility that it will be $750!!

MID has published the fact that it has decided to “invest” in “green” energy in an “aggressive” way. They said that in 2010, MID (this means you) will spend $4,000,000 on green energy. But in 2014, MID (this means you) will spend $43,000,000, a factor of TEN TIMES today’s cost. What do you think is going to happen to your electricity costs THREE YEARS from now???

MID has already committed to a joint venture with a start-up solar power company to build a huge solar farm on north McHenry Ave. Solar is THE most expensive way to generate power, it is THE LEAST reliable way to generate power, and it is THE least efficient method of generating power. In spite of the facts, MID has agreed to a 25 YEAR GUARANTEE with this company. The agreement includes a rate SURCHARGE that is higher than MID’s current cost of generating power. YOU WILL PAY THIS SURCHARGE. Did you agree with this incredible deal?

MID is now proposing a joint deal to build a BioMass burner to generate electricity right in the middle of Modesto. MID and the BioMass company agree that this plant will be a gross polluter, right in the middle of Modesto. They also agree that the electricity created by this plant will be VERY EXPENSIVE.

So, did you agree to put a gross polluter, which will poison your air, next to your home?

Do you want to protest this gross affront to our communal sensibilities?

Do you want to be victimized by increases in your electricity costs by 200%, or 300% or even 400%??

If not, let the MID know. Call them, e-mail them, write them, and visit them. Tell them that this “aggressive pursuit of green energy” is a diabolical assault on your health and your wallet.

Thank you very much, Dave